The pillars of Epta, sustainable commercial refrigeration solutions Pillar aziendali del gruppo Epta



The pillars of Epta: a commercial refrigeration company which supplies its clients with complete and sustainable solutions

The Epta System

The Epta System is the rationale underpinning the Group as a whole: the winning combination of products, services, technologies, ideas and people that make Epta an integrated commercial refrigeration partner supporting client and stakeholder businesses.

Sustainable innovation as a system

The Epta System is based on the principle of Sustainable Innovation: a range of value, experience and technological ethics which guide the Group’s evolved, sustainable and responsible innovation, for a socially responsible company.

Sustainable Innovation

Innovation Reloaded. The Epta Sustainable System

This is the Group’s promise: the Epta system combines innovation and sustainability to help lead customers towards a green transition, renewing stores and giving them a new lease of life, both in terms of performance and aesthetics. It is a response to the digitalization, proximization and servitization trends, whilst keeping an eye firmly trained on regulatory and sustainability issues.

Our People

Within the Group itself, Epta’s Sustainable System brings together the experiences of all #EptaPeople. Every colleague, regardless of where he or she works, is part of a single organisation which combines the value of every individual experience with the company’s goals, in order to achieve the best refrigeration solutions for the future. A lively, dynamic environment in which every person helps generate value.
