search 06 Oct 2015


<p>The <strong>Epta</strong> Group has presented its third <strong>Corporate Social Responsibility Report</strong>, providing last year’s key economic, social and environmental results to stakeholders and Clients. It also defines future objectives, promoting sustainable growth and enhancing human resources. Epta set a high standard for the reiability of this report which has accordingly been certified by the <strong>TÜV Austria Cert GmbH</strong> Institute which applies the GRI (Global Reporting Initiatives) guidelines, obtaining an assessment of C+.</p>
<p>In addition to high-performance energy saving solutions, Epta’s focus on safeguarding the environment is also borne out by measures geared towards optimising energy and water consumption in establishments: the installation of cogeneration systems and photovoltaic panels has, in one year, led to a 14% reduction in the KOEs (Kilograms of Oil Equivalent) per product made, whilst consistent technical improvements have also reduced water consumption at a rate of 31% per unit produced.</p>
<p>Further confirmation of the Group’s dedication to protecting the global climate balance comes in the form of the many awards it has received. In particular these include <strong>Ecocare 2014</strong> for the environmental sustainability of Costan’s plant in Belluno, the <strong>RAC Cooling Industry Award 2014</strong>, the <strong>Eco-conception 2015 award</strong> and the prestigious <strong>Janus de L’Industrie 2014 and 2015</strong>, with a mention for Eco Design.</p>
<p>Epta also aims to create a positive and safe workplace, and in doing so intends developing the skills and competences of its human resources. In particular, with regard to the health and safety of its workers, the Group has drafted the <em><strong>“Epta for safety”</strong></em> project, which has guaranteed an 18% reduction in the number of accidents per work hour over the last twelve months.</p>
<p><strong>Marco Nocivelli, Epta’s CEO</strong>, declared: <em>“The third Report is tangible proof of our commitment to continue the process which got underway four years ago to demonstrate and implement strategies geared towards achieving sustainable social progress.”</em> A responsible approach effectively summed up by the concept <strong>“The Epta Way UP: Preserving Food Value”</strong>, which takes tangible form in the ongoing Research & Development work for ensuring food is preserved and displayed to excellent standards, with full respect for the resources of the local area.</p>
<p><a href="/sites/default/files/body_images/files/CSR%20Epta_2015.pdf" target="_blank">Epta 3rd Corporate Social Responsability Report</a></p>