The Epta Way UP: preserving Food Value at the core of Epta's initiatives for Expo 2015

From the Milk Area and FabFood in the Italian Pavilion, to the “Food for the Future” in the Thai Pavilion and the Biodiversity Park, the Epta solutions presented at Expo demonstrate the Group's commitment to spread the food value and resource conservation culture, in harmony with the claim of the Universal Exposition:"Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”
A responsible attitude that resounds in the concept “The Epta Way UP: preserving food value”, through technologically advanced solutions that ensure perfect preservation and display of foodstuffs while enhancing their value. Specifically thanks to systematic research and development, Epta guarantees flawless presentation, super food freshness, authenticity and safety, while fully respecting the environment. With this strategy Epta reasserts the importance of the retailer as well as the group's ability to meet retailer requirements, while maximizing store growth.
Blending ethical and corporate principles with the image and targets promoted by Expo is the goal Epta has set for itself. Through a concept made of values, Epta conveys the imperative to offer healthy, safe and sufficient food to all people. On the other hand, the Group enhances the ethical value of food by supporting its economic importance: a thriving trading industry is actually fundamental to boost economic growth and the consequent social progress in any country.