Epta: a sustainability Leader in 2021

search 29 Apr 2021

Epta, Leader della sostenibilità 2021

Epta is among the “Leaders of sustainability” 2021, an initiative launched by Sole 24 Ore the major Italian economic and financial newspaper and the analytics company Statista to reward Italian companies that distinguish themselves for a development strategy based on respect for the environment and attention to the social dimension.

About 1,200 companies operating in Italy were identified, belonging to those with the highest turnover in the country or listed on the Milan Stock exchange. The analyses are based on the examination of the Corporate Social Responsibility Report and of the Annual Financial Report. 35 indicators were taken into account related to three dimensions of sustainability: environmental (waste, GHG emissions, energy and water consumption), social (respect for diversities and equal opportunities, selection and fair treatment of employees, social projects), economic (economic data, accountability and transparency of results, with special reference to governance, innovation and financial stability).

The recognition as “Leader of sustainability” is a further confirmation of the orientation of the Group towards the affirmation of the Circular Economy and the creation of shared value. This commitment is reflected in every aspect of company life, as shown by the criteria adopted by Epta for its CSR Report, which reflects some of the SDG’s (Sustainable Development Goals) proposed by the UNO and with which the Company highlights a natural convergence, such as, for example, Consumption and Responsible Production, clean and accessible Energy, Fight against Climate change, Dignified Work & Economic Growth and Quality Education.