search 14 Apr 2023

Epta sponsors International Congress of Refrigeration

Epta is Silver Sponsor of the 26th International Congress of Refrigeration (ICR) of Institut International du Froid (IIF), which will be held in Paris from 21 to 25 August 2023. The forum, for which 1000 participants are expected, will be dedicated to sharing innovations to shape a refrigeration focused on sustainability.



Organised by the Association Française du Froid (AFF), the convention was held for the first time in 1908 in the French capital and since then, every four years, it has been a fixed appointment in the HVAC world which joins industry and research. ICR is an opportunity for dialogue and the largest worldwide meeting of scientists, experts, technicians, and professionals of the sector.


Towards increasingly efficient and responsible refrigeration

Epta fully supports the theme chosen for this year’s edition: “Towards efficient, controlled and intelligent refrigeration”. The shared goal is to make our society more respectful of the Planet, overcoming together the multiple challenges of the cold chain. The spotlights are on the development of solutions and smart services, with a focus on low or zero-GWP refrigerants and on technologies which contribute to making refrigeration more sustainable.


The reasons behind ICR 2023

“For us, ICR is a great opportunity to engage with international colleagues, scholars in academics or industry, in favour of the evolution of the entire sector.” comments Rosmery Serrao Mendes, Epta’s Innovation Center Manager. “As Green Transition Enabler, the Group actively participates in the reduction of the carbon footprint of its clients, with a complete range of CO2 and propane cabinets, able to guarantee, at the same time, energy performance from class A, B and C. This performance is also made possible thanks to the implementation of digital tools which remotely monitor the furnishing operating parameters, with a view to higher energy saving.” And he concludes, "Finally, in perfect harmony with the claim of ICR 2023, Epta proposes advanced solutions such as the patent pending XTE system, realised with Energy Recovery, to further increase CO2 efficiency in all weather conditions”.