Epta Group is awarded the Janus de L’Industrie for the second year

2015 opens with one more success for Epta who have been awarded the prestigious Janus de L’Industrie for the second year in a row. This award honours products for their innovational design and the tangible benefits they create for end users.
In 2014 Epta amazed the jury with RevUP, the revolutionary technology applied to the cabinets GranVista Costan and SkyView Bonnet Névé and this year’s leading role goes to Impact, a new refrigerated display solution devised by Eurocryor and Epta Concept. Impact won the jury’s appreciation because of its compliance with the renowned "5 E’s" (economy, ergonomics, aesthetics, ethic and emotion), i.e. the criteria established by the jury members.
Impact is the result of close collaboration between Epta and Carrefour for the development of an unprecedented solution, capable of integrating the self-serve presentation of pre-packed perishable foods with the serve-over display of highly perishable items in one equipment possessing high aesthetic qualities and meeting the requirements of functional design.
In this respect, highly developed ergonomics is a further strength of the Impact cabinet: with cabinet height at approximately 1,30m, operator re-stocking tasks are streamlined and also consumer access is made easier.
As Christian Le Gousse, General Manager at Epta France puts it: “Having received the exclusive Janus award for the second time has made us very proud. This bears witness to Epta’s effort to create cutting-edge solutions combining a sophisticated contemporary design with highest environmental sustainability and ease of use.”