Epta and Cultifutura together nurture sustainability, thanks to the promotion of different awareness-raising initiatives in the schools of Milan.

This is the purpose of the pilot project which will involve some of the classes of the Lower-Level Secondary Schools Emilio Morosini e Beatrice di Savoia – Carmelita Manara and Tommaso Grossi of Milan in late October.

The innovative CultEvo will be installed by Cultifutura. They are indoor hydroponic cultivation systems, high performing even without sunlight and soil, with a very low water consumption. Cultifutura, a start-up company from Milan set up within the scope of the OpenInnovation project promoted by Epta and Corporate Hangar, aims at recreating a connection between urban community and Nature.

The experience of cultivating one’s own food, through urban and vertical farming solutions, also wants to encourage students to adopt a healthier lifestyle and to be aware of how necessary it is to reduce one’s environmental impact.

Epta works alongside the new generations along the path towards sustainability

Epta works alongside the new generations along the path towards sustainability, and it does so by taking an active part in the project inauguration, at which it will have the opportunity to give an in-depth presentation of its eco-compatible approach and its role as Green Transition Enabler in the commercial refrigeration sector, with a focus on the centrality of the cold chain for perfect food preservation.

In this area, Epta explains how refrigeration can be a valid ally to guarantee the integrity, healthiness, and freshness of the food in terms of look, colour, taste, and smell. No less important is the practical advice and the good practices shared on the expiry date of highly perishable products.

In teaching younger people the secret of a longer life of fresh foods, Epta and Cultifutura join forces to beat food waste.

