search 20 Jul 2023

Epta-News-Ecovadis Assessment 2023

EcoVadis leading rating company of corporate sustainability – validates the ESG performance of Epta, submitted to evaluation for the first time, with an above-average score in the refrigeration sector. An important achievement that reflects the Group’s commitment to strengthening its environmental and social practices, which involves the entire supply chain.


Quality environmental governance

The goal of EcoVadis is to measure the quality of corporate governance in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) observing its policies, actions, and results. The method is based on internationally recognised standards such as the GRI (Global Rating Initiative), the UNGC (United Nations Global Compact) and ISO 26000 and examines 21 aspects, grouped into four macro-environments: environment, work and human rights, ethics and, finally, green procurement.


The weighted average of the scores assigned to each theme defines the overall rating, available to a wide audience of potential Customers, increasingly interested in the sustainability levels of the procurement chain.

A path of evaluation and empowerment

Thanks to the EcoVadis monitoring platform, Epta has embarked on an evaluation route which includes each department of the Company, to empower both employees and suppliers. The results achieved with the first assessment show the goodness of the Group’s commitment and the future improvement areas.


Different actions are planned and directed at increasingly sustainable procurement. The analysis conducted by EcoVadis recognises that the business and financial goals of Epta are in line with a responsible approach, which has the objective of creating short and long-term value for stakeholders.