Eurovent publishes new Recommendation for Commercial Refrigeration Equipment that provides interpretation of new Ecodesign and Energy Labelling measures

The Commission delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2018 and Commission Regulation (EU) 2019/2024, already published and in force, will start their application period from 1st of March 2021. These Regulations establish the general rules for the application of the Energy Labelling and Ecodesign principles for refrigerating appliances with a direct sales function.

However, alike other products that have a limited number of models, the commercial refrigeration products are generally customized according to customer specifications, i.e. are supplied in a nearly infinitive number of variants (size, geometry, accessories, etc.), and for this reason the Eurovent guide is necessary to offer to the industry an effective interpretation of the Regulations to achieve the proposed energy saving targets.

Secondly, some of the products circulating in the market nowadays are not included in the reference test standards, such as for example the EN/ISO 23953-2015 for supermarket equipment, because they appeared in the market afterwards, but still need to be labeled anyway from March 2021.

The first edition of the Eurovent Recommendation 14/6 – 2020 “Interpretation of Regulation (EU) 2019/2018 and of Regulation (EU) 2019/2024”, published on December 2nd 2020, provides a set of rules and instructions that close the gap between the obligations and requirements of the regulations and the infinitive variants of refrigerated display cases available for the maximum benefit of the consumers. The aim of this document is to provide the industry interpretation and to support the European Commission in preparing the future guidelines accompanying both Regulations. The document was prepared in a joint effort by the participants of the Eurovent Product Group ‘Commercial Refrigeration Equipment’ (PG-RDC), which represents a vast majority of all manufacturers of these products active on the EMEA market.

The Eurovent Recommendation 14/6 is available for download in the Eurovent Document Web Shop at

Eurovent will host a webinar on 26 January 2021, to present the contents of the new Eurovent Recommendation 14/6 and to address all the questions coming from manufacturers, distributors, end-user, designers, policy makers, and market surveillance authorities.