search 20 May 2016


<p><strong>Epta </strong>will take part in the <strong>12° REHVA World Congress: CLIMA 2016</strong>, the HVAC sector's most important scientific symposium, taking place from <strong>22 to 25 May in Aalborg, Denmark</strong>. <strong>Federico Visconti of Epta's Innovation Center </strong>will participate in the workshop called “<em>Coupling HVAC + Refrigeration + Lighting Systems in shopping centers: technological solutions and modeling approach</em>” organized by the IIF-IIR Institute, in collaboration with Eurac Research.</p>
<p>This marks a unique opportunity for Epta to demonstrate the new products and services seen at <strong>EU FP7 CommON<em>Energy </em></strong>to international stakeholders, Energy Managers and industry experts<em>. </em>The goal of this research project promoted by the European Union is to transform supermarkets, often thought of as the paradigm of consumer societies, into concrete examples of energy efficiency and eco-sustainability, favoring the adoption of avant-guard methodologies and technologies.</p>
<p>More specifically, <strong>Federico Visconti </strong>will present the new solution for transcritical CO2 installed by Epta at the Horwich Co-operative store. This innovation enables the building's refrigeration systems to be integrated and the heat to be reused in an effort to transform stores into <strong>Nearly Zero Energy Buildings (nZEB)</strong>, in compliance with <strong>Directive 2010/31/EU</strong>. The initial results from testing done during the winter are very positive, attesting to the system's validity as an excellent potential <em>all-in-one solution</em> for sales points.</p>
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